WNPS Native Plant Steward

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 2014 Update

The Stewards and some volunteers were out at the restoration site on November 1st.  205 plants were planted in the newly cleared areas.  Only 70 more to go!  There will be one more volunteer planting event on Saturday November 15th at 10 AM.  If you are interested in coming out and digging in the dirt please contact the Stewards at seatacstewards@gmail.com!

After the 15th work on the site will be slowing down until February 2015.  At that time we will be starting on work on another half acre.  Mostly pulling up blackberry and mulching.

Keeping checking back for more updates and pictures.  This blog will continue to be updated with information about the site and about the plants going into the ground.

If you see a Steward on the site say Hi.  We don't bite.

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