WNPS Native Plant Steward

Monday, October 20, 2014

October Update

All restoration work for the month of October has come to an end, and it was a busy month.  A good portion of the half acre is now clear and beginning to be planted.  We are still grubbing some nasty English ivy in our Snowberry thicket but it will hopefully be conquered in November.

A big thanks to the students of Highline Big Picture High School in Burien.  The students have been coming out during the week to weed and mulch and it has been a gigantic help.  Community volunteers are what makes these projects successful and theses students have made a great difference.

On Saturday October 18th we began the process of planting natives within the restoration.  134 plants were planted in total.  A big thanks to City of SeaTac's Parks Department for helping us move plants to the site and then off again.  More plants will be going in on November 1st.  If you or someone you know wishes to assist with the planting please contact the Stewards at seatacstewards@gmail.com.

The above picture shows a clearing that up until last week was full of blackberry brambles.

Kinninnick and Salal plantings/

Entrance to the foot trail on the North end of the site.  Plantings here include Red flowering Currant, Mock Orange, Kinninnick, Salal, and Western Red Cedar.

Entrance to Northern foot trail.

Newly planted Thimbleberry, Salal, and Kinninnick amongst the Snowberry thicket.

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